
"Road" to Get There

DriveChain's roadmap indicates how the product is planned from a software development point of view. This is not a detailed release date representation, but visualization of our internal product development milestones.

Milestone 0: Smart Data Contracts, Vehicle Data NFTs + Tokens and Roles
  • Implement automatic generation of vehicle data NFTs. DriveChain will leverage OceanProtocol's ERC721Factory library for vehicle data producers to hold Base IP. The deployed contract will store Metadata, ownership, sub-license information, and permissions.

  • Implement Ocean Protocol's ERC721Template to enable automatic price discovery with ERC721 tokens. Utlize ERC1167 proxy for vehicle data NFTs and datatokens to save on gas fees.

  • Integrate Role administration: Data NFT owner, Base IP manager, ERC20 deployer and fee manager.

Milestone 1: Asset Pricing + Accessibility
  • Integrate revenue asset monetization for fixed and dynamic pricing.

  • Port the FixedRateExchange smart contract to store information about the price of the assets published using the Fixed pricing model.

  • Implement Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) to enable verifiable, decentralized digital identity.

  • Implement DID Document (DDO) to include the metadata about the stored asset and available services.

Milestone 2: Staking, Visualization, Data Marketplace Analytics FileCoin Storage + FEVM
  • Implement a staking mechanism to incentivize data providers to provide high-quality and valuable data.

  • Deploy the Data Marketplace with features for discovering, purchasing, and sharing vehicle data NFTs.

  • Develop a suite of analytics and visualization tools for data analysis and exploration.

  • Integrate machine learning models to extract insights and patterns from the data.

  • Create a user-friendly interface for data exploration and visualization.

  • To support their distributed storage network, add mechanisms for storing and sharing Smart Data contracts and assets with FileCoin's protocol.

  • Add support for InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) for content addressing for vehicle data assets retrieval with Content Addressing via Content-Identifiers (CIDs).

  • Port InterPlanetary Linked Data (IPLD) data model to ensure data can be linked and referenced from different data structures in a global namespace.

  • Support of Libp2p's network protocol stack for P2P networks.

  • Future integration of FileCoin's Virtual Machine (FVM) to create Smart Data Contracts with verifiable storage.

Milestone 3: Testnet Marketplace (Fully-functional)
  • Alpha:

    • Declared when: all functionality implemented, 65%+ test coverage, integrated into Smart Data Contracts + Storage.

    • Focus: feature completeness.

  • Beta:

    • Declared when: testnets deployed (user and automatic), running successfully for 5 weeks.

    • Focus: testing and hardening.

  • RC:

    • Declared when: code audited; network-upgrade releases ready for all of DriveChain's nodes.

    • Focus: pre-mainnet preparations.

  • Final:

    • Declared when: DriveChain's marketplace is operating on Mainnet.

Milestone 4: iOS App + Device (Pilot)
  • Incoroprate web-based UI/UX assets to support mobile.

  • Develop UI/UX interaction layers for connecting to crypto wallets (e.g., MetaMask, WalletConnect)

  • Develop UI/UX interaction layers for Purchasing vehicle data-sets.

  • Incorporate Estuary API (TBD) to send/receive user-driving datasets to FileCoin's blockchain for storage

  • Support of CalAmp's EdgeApp to transmit vehicle-level datasets from devices for storage and automatically generating Smart Data Contracts.

  • Prepare plan for vehicle pilot fleet (+20 vehicles) to acquire user-driving datasets.

Milestone 5: Mainnet Marketplace Launch
  • Alpha:

    • Declared when: all functionality implemented, 95%+ test coverage, integrated into Smart Data Contracts + Storage.

    • Focus: Validation and verification in parallel with Testnet

  • Beta:

    • Declared when: mainnet deployed (user and automatic), running successfully for 8 weeks.

    • Focus: testing and hardening.

  • RC:

    • Declared when: code audited; network-upgrade releases ready for all of DriveChain's nodes.

    • Focus: Mainnet launch preparations.

  • Launch:

    • Declared when: DriveChain's marketplace is fully operational.

Last updated